Although she typically adopts from shelters, Raquel was on a quest to find a Balinese kitten for her daughter. After reaching out to catteries, she was ready to send a deposit for a kitten, but fate intervened. As she scrolled through the shelter websites one last time, a kitten popped up on the Devore Animal Shelter that Raquel knew she had to meet.
She rushed over to Devore Animal Shelter to see her even though she was on a medical hold. After seeing the kitten through the kennels, Raquel decided in an instant that she would take her home. That very night, Raquel surprised her daughter. They named her Kinzie Fluffypants, (softball catcher name and…she’s cute and fluffy). Kinzie has adjusted to her new home and two dogs very well and is a joy. Kinzie is now besties with her daughter and they’re bonding quickly.