Heat Protection Tips for Pet Parents

Hydration is Key
Leaving your pets extra water will ensure they are kept hydrated during excessive heat waves.
Provide Plenty of Shade
Ensure pets have plenty of shade if kept outside. Remember, the shade pets have in the morning will either change or diminish as the sun moves throughout the day and may not protect them.
Avoid Hot Paws
Do not let pets stand on sidewalks or hot asphalt to avoid burning their paws.
Bring Your Pets Inside
Keeping your pets out of direct sunlight and indoors will ensure their safety while its hot and during extreme periods of heat.
Reduce Outdoor Activity When It's Hot
Don’t force animals to exercise when it is hot and humid. Exercise pets early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are cooler.
Never Leave Pets in a Parked Vehicle
Even in the shade with windows cracked, temperatures can reach over 120 degrees inside a car.